It's chirp is distinct like the sunbird and cannot be missed. It has this constant chewy- chewy- chewy or cheup -cheup sound which I feel is at the same pitch and is a repetitive call.
The name itself tells us why it is famous, it is known widely for its skill to tailor its nest made out of leaves. I have seen you tube videos of how they do it, but haven't seen a nest to capture their handiwork.
It is a common resident in the urban gardens. They seem to be shy and usually hide under the vegetation.
The one I saw and shot as you see has rust coloured forehead, green upper body plumage and an upright tail. This here is a male tailor bird. Females are usually described as dull in colour or fully green.
This bird reminds me of another bird I saw a Wren. They are almost similar in their appearance and their upright tails. They are insectivorous.They feed on beetle and bugs. They also have nectar from some flowers. The breeding season is March to December peaking from June to August in India. There are at least 13 species of the tailor birds. Their nests are like deep cups. Tailor birds keep flitting so it can be a task to capture them. Well I have more reasons to capture them for more decent shots next time, I see this tiny friend.
The last spot where I saw it before it disappeared.
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