I saw a Drongo for the first time in December of 2018 at my home in Wayanad, Kerala. I saw a blue shine on the black bird quickly flitting between the leaves. I heard its flute like call as I continued gazing at this elusive bird, as I barely got a clear shot.
From then on I have seen two or three types of Drongo's so far: the Fork Tailed Black Drongo, White- Bellied Drongo and Racket-tailed Drongo, both in Kerala and Delhi. They usually feed on insects but my aunt, who is also an avid birder, shared that they are very good at mimicking as well. Most Drongo's are black or grey in colour with metallic tints.
There are around 27 different species of Drongos in the world, out of which nine are found in India.
1. Black Drongo
2. Ashy Drongo
3. White-bellied Drongo
4. Bronzed Drongo
5. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
6. Hair-crested Drongo
Here are my few captures of this bird:
This was my first capture and below are two more of my captures in Kerala.
I have always seen them on high perches and rarely on the ground. But that is just an observation on the days I have spotted them.
Almost like a little cousin of the Crow.
I hope to capture the Racket Drongo on my camera also. But so far I have been lucky in capturing the Black Drongo only.
This one I was lucky to spot right outside my house in Delhi, while I was parking my car to enter my house. I dropped my things and got my camera while staying silent enough to get these shots in the blazing sun.
Look at the glossy feathers. They are found through out the Indian Union.
Nesting Season: Principally April to August.
Both sexes of the Black Drongo share all domestic duties and are bold in defense of their nest.
I read they are welcomed by farmers as they eat away all the crop damaging insects.
This here is the clearest shot I have ever managed.
Hope you enjoyed reading about the Drongo.
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